Here's a collection of works around the theme of home and/or family. I thought about doing food (and consumption!) but that's not the real point of the holiday. These are all images previously posted on this blog. Click on the artist's' name to go to the original post. There you can find a link to their personal websites or galleries.
Enough said.
Amy Bennet "Evening News" 8" x 10"
Amy Casey "Stragglers" 21x22" 2008

Ben Grasso title unknown 2006
Andrea Kowch "Apple of my eye"
Clinton Snyder "Willis" 66" x 55" oil on scrap wood 2004
Nancy Loughlin "The Waiting Room" 48"x36" oil on wood panel 2009
Peter Higgins "Raboud Family and Gesture" 36x48" acrylic on canvas
Stephen Cefalo "The Kids (Family Portrait)"
Rob Evans "Evening Ritual" oil on panel (triptych) 40x90 1989