When I started trying to promote my own artwork online I kept coming across other people's art that amazed or compelled me in one way or another. This blog has been a way for me to practice thinking and writing about art, as well as learning more about my peers and all the incredible art that is being made out there.

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Monday, July 20, 2009

Amy Casey

There is so much work on her website that it is rather daunting to look through it all (amycaseypainting.com). But it is rather interesting to see the transition from her earlier work and the gradual discovery of this new imagery. She's been exploring it for a few years now, and just in time for the collapse of the real estate bubble.

32.5x41" 2009

"Stragglers" 21x22" 2008

"Top of the Heap" 22x30" 2008


  1. Really interesting stuff -- taking spaces and places apart and providing them iconic connections back to each other. Thinking-provoking (as opposed to just thought-provoking)

  2. Well said, and I just realized it's been almost three years. I'll have to do an update on her work soon.
