When I started trying to promote my own artwork online I kept coming across other people's art that amazed or compelled me in one way or another. This blog has been a way for me to practice thinking and writing about art, as well as learning more about my peers and all the incredible art that is being made out there.

Search for an Artist on this blog (or cut and paste from the list at the bottom of this page)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Andrew Hem

I'm not sure why I didn't post his work early on. I saw it but apparently forgot to save an image or jot down the website. well, anyway, Andrew Hem is an immensely talented artist somewhere in the neo-pop-surrealist-graffiti-illustrator genre. Ah, labels. Anyway, all you really have to do is look. He has a distinctive drawing vocabulary and a confident graphic painting approach, which he employs for very effective psychological portraiture. He's done a lot of work recently based on his travels and examining the crisis of being culturally adrift. You can see more work on his website: www.andrewhem.com
And even more plus some fine illustration work at magnetreps.com
And you can keep track of his latest news on his blog: idrewhim.blogspot.com

"City Street"


title unknown



  1. these are great! they almost have an assemblage/collage look to them. i can see the difficulty in trying to label to them. thanks for pointing him out. i'm off to visit his site.

  2. Glad you both like this. And thanks for following.
