When I started trying to promote my own artwork online I kept coming across other people's art that amazed or compelled me in one way or another. This blog has been a way for me to practice thinking and writing about art, as well as learning more about my peers and all the incredible art that is being made out there.

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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Simon Gunning

These are big oil paintings rooted firmly in the regionalist approach to art; in this case, New Orleans and the Mississippi. His strongest paintings to my mind convey a certain amount of chaos, whether its the steel girders and struts of a bridge or dock, or the trash strewn aftermath of Katrina. It's all lovingly rendered in fine detail but ultimately working as the texture of the place he clearly loves.
There's plenty of stuff to look at on his website www.simongunning.com and different pieces at the website of his main gallery www.arthurrogergallery.com

I'm am unsure of either the correct titles unless in quotes or the sizes of these paintings
Click on these images to view larger!


deep blue stern

"Fidgeting with Infinity"

"The Waterline Untouched With Ghosts"

1 comment:

  1. The final image is so very haunting. No one will ever forget Katrina.
