Most of Paco Pomet's work is monochromatic and not a little reminiscent of
Mark Tansey. Tansey's work tended toward witty art criticism and philosophical punditry. Paco Pomet's approach may be less serious but he is obviously having a tremendous amount of fun and we're all invited to join him. The humor ranges from the grim and black to light slapstick, from wry surrealism to screwball parody. Most of the images on his blog/website ( need to be viewed a little larger to appreciate. Often the element of humor is subtle, perhaps one small figure among others with something odd about it. Of course others are not so subtle. But I'm sure you'll find something here to entertain you.
Él. Óleo-lienzo. 120 x 150 cms. 2009
Border. Óleo-lienzo. 50 x 70 cms. 2008
Internacional. Óleo-lienzo. 110 x 150 cms. 2008
Breaking News. Óleo-lienzo. 130 x 190 cms. 2009
Historia. Óleo-lienzo. 130 x 170 cms. 2009
Very interesting pictures.