Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Robert Minervini - 2

"Automatic Model"  2011  acrylic and oil on canvas  60" x 120"
"A Gardened Earth"  2011  acrylic and oil on canvas  60" x 96"

"Room With A View"  2011  acrylic on canvas over panel  18" x 18"

"Ultra-Modern"  2011  acrylic on canvas  50" x 70"

I posted some of Robert Minervini's work earlier this year (March 24, 2011). I won't add much in the way of commentary here except to note that these new pieces show less urban decay. But everything is in state of semi-construction and uncertainty is still an essential element here. Also I'd like to point out the scale of these paintings. These are big. I'd love to see them in person. If you happen to live in or near Santa Fe you might want to. He'll be showing at least some of these very pieces in a show at Eggman & Walrus Art Emporium. The show opens Friday Sept. 16 and runs through October 29.

I apologize for the recent dearth of posts. I've been on vacation and will get back to at least twice a week. Cheers.

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