Thursday, January 30, 2014

Scott Listfield

"Lost Highway"


"Alien Crossing"

"New Moon"

"Parking Ticket"

One of the things I love about Scott Listfield is that in every email announcement he includes the phrase "that guy who paints astronauts" in the subject line. The message is clear. Don't worry about the name. All you have to do is remember what he does. And once you see these, you will remember. I don't mind at all if an artist's is essentially a shtick, as long as they're totally committed to it and can pull it off with style. Scott Listfield does so by working in a flat, almost paint by numbers kind of realism that serves his pop-culture purposes beautifully. There is no doubt that humor is at the forefront of his agenda but there's more to it than that. He's equally concerned with consumer culture, references to pop-art and how both of these these play into and against the utopian and dystopian dreams of science-fiction. The dark side of his humor suggests that the more pessimistic tales of imaginative fictions better reflect the reality we live in than escapist fantasies like Star Wars that both he and the rest of us clearly love. His paintings declare that the future is now, and frankly it's a bit depressing. But Mr. Listfield examines this fact with wry wit, and I for one am grateful for it.

I posted his work once before back in September 2010 and still stand by what I wrote then as well.

You can see more at his website (
or see his newest on his Tumblr blog.

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