Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Daniel Dove

"Kells"  34" x 54"  oil on canvas  2010

"Exploded View"  oil on canvas  50" x 68"  2009

"Volcano"  oil on canvas  48" x 96"  2007

"Wireherd"  oil on canvas  72" x 96"  2007

"Vanishing Point"  oil on canvas  66" x 96"  2010
Daniel Dove's work recently received a special spotlight and review in New American Paintings #95. It's a well deserved honor for an enormously impressive painter. These monumentally sized canvases capture both the grandeur and decay of the modern urban landscape. And somehow implied in this, there seems to be a metaphor for the grandeur and decay of painting itself. His work is clearly rooted in the representational but embraces abstraction. And while the work is refreshingly (to me) narrative, the images work as simple visual constructs. I apologize if my language sounds more like pretentious art-babble than usual but I'm really at a loss for words.  And so I guess I really don't have much more to say, other than I highly recommend looking through the rest of the work on his website: danieldove.com

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