Monday, January 10, 2011

Jenny Robinson

Title unknown
"Billboard"  monotype  53" x 35"

"Dipper"  monoprint  30" x 30"

"Harrison Street Billboard"  monoprint  47" x 30"

"Water Tower Red"  monotype  53" x 35"
Jenny Robinson depicts the monumental derelicts that litter the modern landscape; decaying billboards, old water towers, an abandoned roller coaster... Our penchant for building on a grand scale is hardly limited to banks and stadiums. The mundane infrastructure of our daily lives is frequently enormous, and strangely invisible due to its ubiquity. And when these structures begin to decay they somehow manage to recede from our attention as if they were growing slowly invisible. Many artists have been drawn such ghostlike relics of modernity, but Ms. Robinson captures something of their ethereal presence in her gorgeous monotypes. She relies heavily on initial impressions recorded in sketchbooks but the final work is stylized, and carefully formatted to fill out the frame in dramatic fashion. Her use of large scale prints  is itself "monumental", a way of documenting, memorializing and extolling a fading art form in a digital age.
go to her website ( to see more!

Thanks to the artist Sarah M. Newton for the recommendation

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